Meet Tessica!

Hey! My name is Tessica Lynn Schumacher, I was born in a small town in Idaho. In 2013 I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Health Science, and in Respiratory Therapy. My husband and I have two beautiful girls named Victoria and Olivia. We also have a sweet dog named Rocco. I love traveling, going to concerts, shopping, date nights, and hanging out with family and friends!

I started my fitness journey when I joined a local gym at 14 years old and began lifting weights with my brothers, but my true passion for fitness didn't begin until I started working at Gold's Gym as a front desk associate in 2009. In 2010 I became a BodyPump, Spinning, and Zumba instructor! That same year I was introduced to bodybuilding and competed in my first figure competition.

I was hooked. After my first competition, I continued to compete on and off for about five years. During that time, I went from not placing at all to becoming a 4x Overall Figure Champion. I achieved my goal and was able to compete in Las Vegas on a national stage against many other high level fitness competitors from around the world. Despite my successes on stage, I had decided that I wanted to start a family! In 2017 I became a mother and started investing my time in becoming a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC).

Competing in figure competitions was an incredible journey. With that said, with reward comes consequences. A lot of people do not know this but during and after my competition years, my physical and mental well-being took a major hit. I developed unhealthy eating behaviors in which I would drastically binge and restrict. I had an all or nothing mentality, which lead to a horrible relationship with food and body dysmorphia.

I struggled finding that balance between trying to stay fit for the competitive stage and maintaining healthy nutrition while eating the foods I enjoyed. Thankfully with time, experience, education, and practice, I learned how to be consistent while keeping a healthy mind and body. I found my self-worth as an athlete, mother, and coach during this time. After learning this for myself I desired to help others achieve the same experience.

I don't regret going through those experiences because it has pushed me to become who I am today. I became a personal trainer and a nutrition coach because I wanted to help others reach that balance of being overall healthy and strong, not only for competition but for life. 

Life is not easy, and we all must live and learn through our experiences, but I don't want others to walk alone through what I went through! I want others to be aware that fitness is a forever journey, and it shouldn't be a phase and it shouldn't come to an end! It takes conscious effort and a considerable amount of work to lose weight, gain weight, and to maintain weight. With that said I shouldn't believe it should be hard work. I would love to have the opportunity to help make your fitness journey less stressful and more maintainable, by educating you and giving you the tools, you need to become successful long term!